Talent Identification (TID) and Talent Development (TD) Program – 2020 


WAIS in conjunction with Rowing WA are developing 2020 Talent Development program.

To implement a robust system of talent identification (TID) and talent development (TD) aimed specifically at non-rowing athletes between the age 15-17.



Talent Identification

TID refers to the identification of non-rowing members of the public who have shown signs of physiological and other attributes which would dispose them to rowing.  Typically TID refers to the activities of testing and recruiting.

TID must:

  • Be repeatable
  • Target athletes outside our current pipeline of athletes (traditional rowing schools)
  • Targeting the “best” talent. This program is not aimed at creating participation but quality of athletes

TID Strategy

Talent identification will primarily take the form of testing within non-traditional rowing schools for athletes between the age of 15-17 years or year 10/11.


Testing Battery

The testing battery will be derived directly from Rowing Australia’s protocol involving

  • Anthrop measurements: Weight, height, wingspan
  • Strength testing on Conecpet 2 Dyno: Leg press, arm pull and press
  • Arm Leg Wattbike: Step test

Justification for this testing battery can be found on attached document “Talent Identification Program Overview”


TID testing standards:



Height     (cm)

Armspan      (cm)

Arm/Leg      (Watts)

Leg press     (nm)

Arm press         (nm)

Arm pull       (nm)

LP+AP     (nm)




Min range

186 - 192.9

186 - 192.9
















Min range

175 -182.9

175 - 182.9















Note* these standards are an example and are adjusted for relative ages of athletes.


Talent Development 

TD refers to the development of identified and recruited athletes from the entry level (novice) through to a level at which they are competitive with Athletes in the Club High Performance Pathway.


TD must:

  • Teach athletes basic skills of rowing
  • Develop athletes physically
  • Deliver TID athletes to a level of proficiency in training such that they can train and compete effectively with athlete within the talent pathway at T1 within an 18 month period

TD Strategy 

Key to an effective Talent Development Strategy is creating environments conducive to retention, accelerated skill acquisition and competition.  In creating this environment we are seeking to address the following challenges:

  • We have seen over the previous years that athletes directed into a general cohort of club level athletes have had very low retention rates.
  • Coaches often have difficulty devoting enough time to “learn to row” athletes if required to coach simultaneously with more advanced athletes.
  • Creating a competitive culture within learn to row groups if not all members have the same goal of entering competitive rowing.
  • Retention of TID athletes is generally low even in ideal circumstances
  • With limited media coverage and public understanding of Rowing it is challenging to create athlete “buy in” which is sufficient for the demanding training requirements. “fall in love with the sport”
  • Large equipment requirements to teach groups in small boats
  • Financial cost as a disincentive for new athletes
  • Managing culture of athlete with “potential” who have not shown results yet


Code of Conduct

All selected athletes must sign Rowing WA's Code of Conduct prior to representation in this.


Coaches who wish to nominate for the position of coach of either the Men’s or Women’s Pathway must submit an expression of interest to jhewlett@wais.org.au  Coaches must be currently involved in a school rowing program, hold a current WWC Card, be available for all training sessions and travel to Penrith with the team.

The selection panel will make the final decision on the Coach and any assistants based on past history and experience as well as pastoral care ability. Candidates may be required to provide a reference from their relevant School rowing program and may be asked to interview.


For any questions regarding the Pathways Program contact Jamie Hewlett at: jhewlett@wais.org.au